BEAUTIFUL, The Carole King Musical - Capital Repertory Theatre, 2024
(Photos Courtesy of Kevin Montano and Jeannine Trimboli)

"A list of just a few favorite moments...Rafferty and Mitchell making love with 'Walking in the Rain'" - Paul Lamar, The Daily Gazette

"Taylor Hilt Mitchell and Shannon Rafferty are the ideal comic foils in their respective roles coupled with outstanding singing voices" - Bill Kellert, Nippertown

"Mann and Weil...are played by Taylor Hilt Mitchell and Shannon Rafferty...and together they're compelling friends and foils for the central character. Others have standout moments...Mitchell and Rafferty's superb singing" - Steve Barnes, Times Union

"As another successful song writing couple, Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann, Shannon Rafferty and Taylor Hilt Mitchell bring comedy relief to what is the traditional sidekick couple. Both sing well, have excellent comic timing and great energy." - Bob Goepfert, Troy Record
It Shoulda Been You - Actor's Playhouse, 2017 (Photos Courtesy of George Schiavone Photo)
"Some of the funny lines include ...Brian mangling many Yiddish words in a misguided attempt to impress his would be Jewish in-laws."-Marvin Glassman, Sun-Sentinel, Miami FL
"...Beau Brian Howard (Taylor Hilt Mitchell, who puts his dancing chops to work)..." |
"Actors’ “It Shoulda Been You” boasts a cast with powerful voices and deft comic timing."-Christine Dolan, Miami Herald

"Brian (a nimble, mild-mannered Taylor Hilt Mitchell)..."
-Aaron Krause, Theatrical Musings
-Aaron Krause, Theatrical Musings
The Wizard of Oz - Capital Repertory Theatre, 2022 (Photos Courtesy of Doug Liebig)

“The floppy Scarecrow was very well played by the loose-limbed Taylor Hilt Mitchell, whose singing was stronger than his body parts.” -J. Peter Bergman, The Berkshire Edge

“Dorothy’s three sidekicks in Oz – Connor DeVoe (the Tinman), [Taylor] Hilt Mitchell (the Scarecrow), and Kyle Garvin (the Cowardly Lion) – all effortlessly sing, dance, and act their way down the yellow brick road to Oz with charm and endearing spirit.” -Bill Kellert, Nippertown

“Taylor Hilt Mitchell as Scarecrow and Connor DeVoe as Tinman are both excellent as singers, dancers and Dorothy sidekicks.” -Steve Barnes, Times Union

“Taylor Hilt Mitchell is nicely limber as the Scarecrow” -Bob Goepfert, The Saratogian
HELLO, DOLLY! - Act II Playhouse 2023 (photos courtesy of Mark Garvin)
"Songs like “Put On Your Sunday Clothes” and the title tune offer opportunities for strutting, tapping, swirling, and stepping out, and the ensemble does so with energy, athleticism and grace." - Tracy Hawkins, Delco Culture Vultures
"The small ensemble ... rises to the challenge of this ambitious and precise vision, with Taylor Hilt Mitchell ... being particularly impressive." - Josh Herren, Broad Street Review